ࡱ> FHE] bjbj:: 44Xd(\Xd(\nn,&,c-RhhhhCCC,,,,,,,$I/1T-CCCCC-hh-Chh,C,*J,h`1LYJ+,3-0c-^+S2o0S2(J,S2J,CCCCCCC--CCCc-CCCCS2CCCCCCCCCn> : Beginning Band Syllabus Ms. Tracey Hammock  HYPERLINK "mailto:hammotr@rcboe.org" hammotr@rcboe.org 706-772-8140 ext. 226 Course Objectives: This class is available to all 9th and 10th grade students. Students in the Beginning Band class will be required to perform in the annual spring concert. In this class students will: Learn basic skills such as assembly and care of their chosen instrument, proper playing posture, tone production and playing techniques for their instrument. Learn basic music theory and music vocabulary such as reading and understanding musical notation and symbols. Acquire the skills, abilities, understandings and attitudes necessary to express themselves musically as individuals and as members of an ensemble Value and appreciate music from a variety of cultural and historical contexts and understand the role of music in daily life. Students will be tested before they are assigned an instrument. Every student will not be able to play the instrument they choose. The first six weeks will be spent learning music theory basics. This will give every student enough time to get all of the supplies needed in order to play an instrument. Materials needed every day: Music folder or book and paper Pencil not pen Mouthpiece and/or instrument, reed, valve oil, any other accessory necessary for your instrument Classroom rules: Be on time and prepared for class DO NOT touch any instruments or equipment that is not assigned to you No food, candy, gum, or drinks allowed in the band room No talking once the director is on the podium Consequences for not following rules: conference with student after school detention with teacher call parent referral to office Grading Participation 40% Students must have their instrument, all accessories and music daily Spring Concert in May Playing Tests 20% Playing tests will come from the Essential Elements book or sheet music that is handed out to students Written Tests 20% Vocabulary and music theory tests Daily Participation 20% Students will be given a written test every week. Students will receive 100 points each week for daily participation. They will lose 20 points a day for not being prepared for class. Georgia Performance Standards - Jazz Band A. Skills and Techniques/Performance MHSBB.1 - Singing, alone and with others, through a varied repertoire of music a. Sing to recognize fundamentals of tone production. b. Sing to match pitch through call and response (stepwise and major intervals). MHSBB.2 - Performing on instruments, alone and with others through a varied repertoire of music a. Recognize characteristic tone quality utilizing proper embouchure, playing position, posture, breathing techniques, articulation, and appropriate percussion technique. b. Demonstrate proper warm-up techniques through the use of long tones, lip slurs, chorales, and technical exercises. c. Recognize the following ensemble skills through performance of musical literature: rehearsal etiquette, dynamic expression, style, blend and balance, steady tempo, rhythmic accuracy, and intonation. d. Demonstrate all performance skills through sight-reading performance of music literature at the appropriate level. MHSBB.3 - Reading and notating music a. Identify and define standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, articulation, and expression. b. Define and describe the musical terms incorporated in the literature as well as identify key signatures. c. Demonstrate a steady beat and identify rhythms and meters through a systematic counting procedure. B. Creation MHSBB.4 - Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments a. Improvise rhythmic patterns by clapping, singing, or playing an instrument. b. Improvise a melody or variation of a melody using a five-note diatonic, pentatonic, or blues scale. c. Improvise a rhythmic ostinato to be performed with a melody. MHSBB.5 - Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines a. Compose rhythmic exercises and short melodies using traditional notation. C. Critical Analysis/Investigate MHSBB.6 - Listening to, analyzing, and describing music a. Identify and describe compositional devices, techniques, meters, tempo, tonalities, intervals, and chords. b. Compare and contrast musical works based on genre and culture. MHSBB.7 - Evaluating music and music performances a. Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of performances, compositions, arrangements, and improvisations. b. Compile a list of strengths and weaknesses in performances and suggest areas of improvement. c. Identify the interpretations in a band performance in relation to the intent of the composer. D. Cultural and Historical Context MHSBB.8 - Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts a. Describe how music relates to fine arts and other disciplines. b. Examine the chronological development of various music styles and contextual elements, composers, and influences from each time period. c. Identify the influence of music on society and societys influence on music within a given time period. MHSBB.9 - Understanding music in relation to history and culture a. Describe the characteristics of music from different cultures. b. Analyze American music in relation to its historical and cultural context. c. Identify genres, styles, and composers within specific time periods. Please return to school: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have read and understand the rules and procedures for band class. 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